![]() | Name | Last modified | Size | Description |
![]() | Parent Directory | - | ||
![]() | api/ | 2 years ago | - | |
![]() | build/ | 2 years ago | - | |
![]() | config/ | 2 years ago | - | |
![]() | extensions/ | 2 years ago | - | |
![]() | node_modules/ | 2 years ago | - | |
![]() | public/ | 2 years ago | - | |
![]() | README.md | 2 years ago | 7.8K | 0fb859dc fixed mobile overflwo options [كارل مبارك] |
![]() | favicon.ico | 2 years ago | 3.6K | 0fb859dc fixed mobile overflwo options [كارل مبارك] |
![]() | package-lock.json | 2 years ago | 625K | 0fb859dc fixed mobile overflwo options [كارل مبارك] |
![]() | package.json | 2 years ago | 901 | 0fb859dc fixed mobile overflwo options [كارل مبارك] |
For the content management system (CMS), we are using Strapi .
The CMS is accessible at http://piacw.karls.computer.
The CMS is hosted on this server which is provided by Greenhost. For now, I have dedicated 400MB of storage for this. If you would like more storage, please let me know.
There are two users on Strapi: you and I. As admin, I can create content types, update the infrastructure, change the API, and create and delete users. As author and editor, you can create content, edit it, publish it, unpublish it and delete it.
You will recieve a link from me that will direct you to a page where you can authenticate your user. Please store your credentials.
Once authenticated, you will be presented with the content management environment. On the top right, there are the buttons to log out and change the interface language. On the left side, there is a navigation menu with all your content types.
Single Types:
The rest of the interface is the editing area. It changes based on the part of the navigation that you are in.
Collections contain many entries. When choosing a collection, you can:
Please note the following about collections:
Single types contain only one entry.
The tagline is the first sentence on the upper left corner of the website. Please make sure that this entry is not too long or too short.
The about entry is for you to play with as you like. Formatting is in rich text / markdown (more on this in a bit). Including images inline is optional.
The contact entry includes a body, which is the text dispalyed on the top of that section in the website, a separate profile photo that appears when a visitor clicks on the appropiate link, and the impressum, which is linked at the bottom of the website.
The above three entries need to have something in them for the website to work. If you want some of them to be optional, let me know.
Book, Movie, Computer: These are the entries that link to the furniture on the website. The main field that is important is the "ExternalLink". Which will send the visitor to your most recent read, watch or upcoming event. They also have a few other fields (title, summary). These are not important for now, but in case we choose to work more with this feature, we can look at them. For the movie entry, please upload the appropriate poster for the given movie you are linking to.
Please note the following about external links: you can choose to directly link to the pdf of a book or the full version of the movie, but this puts both of us at risk of re-distributing pirated content, so please be aware of this when pasting an external link.
All entries have different fields. Most of these are self explanatory: The title is a project title, the start and end dates are when the project started and ended, etc...
Some things to note:
Fields that support rich text, such as the 'Body', 'Summary' and 'Impressum' fields are all written in Markdown. Markdown is a syntax that allows for formatting of raw text in order for it to render that way on a website.
There is a built-in editor for rich text fields that will provide all the formatting options as buttons. When you select text and click the 'Bold' button, it will create the syntax that will make that text bold.
To see how a rich text is going to be formatted on the website, you can click the "Switch to Preview" button on the upper right corner of the rich text editor.
When you want to include an image in a rich text, for a project or journal entry for example, you can click the image icon on the editor and either choose a previously uploaded image, or upload a new one. This will paste a URL to the image in the text. You can see this in action on the entries that are already there.
Markdown cheat sheet: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet/.
(for karl)
npm install
npm run develop
Here, you can make changes to the API, add and remove extensions, change user roles, etc... Please note, removing a property from an object could delete all the entries from the database for that object.
Then stage, commit and push your changes to the remote server.
Strapi is running on http://localhost:1337 and proxied to http://piacw.karls.computer.
The initial set up starts with the build command:
NODE_ENV=production npm run build
pm2 start "NODE_ENV=production npm run start"
We are using pm2
to manage the service.
If changes have been made and pushed to the server, re-build the admin interface if necessary, and then restart the process:
pm2 restart piacw.api