# Buffet.js Icons
## Getting Started
### Installation
Using yarn
yarn add @buffetjs/icons
# Install the required dependencies
yarn add prop-types react styled-components
or npm
npm install @buffetjs/icons --save
# Install the required dependencies
npm install prop-types react styled-components --save
### Contributing
In order to add a new icon, you can design your svg using Sketch or another design toolkit.
Then you need to clean your svg:
npm install -g svgo
svgo my-svg.svg
Finally transform the cleaned svg to a React Component.
### Available commands
- **build**<br/>
Builds the library for production
- **build:analyze**<br/>
Analyse the generated build
- **build:watch**<br/>
Whatch the files with webpack
- **build:watch:esm**<br/>
Whatch the files with babel
- **create:index**<br/>
Create the `build/index.js` file
- **test**<br/>
Runs the entire set of test: lint, style and jest
- **test:jest**<br/>
Runs the unit tests
- **test:jest:watch**<br/>
Runs the unit tests in watch mode
- **test:lint**<br/>
Runs the lint tests
- **test:lint:quiet**<br/>
Runs the lint tests without displaying the warnings
- **test:style**<br/>
Runs the stylelint tests
- **test:style:quiet**<br/>
Runs the stylelint tests without displaying the warnings
- **lint:fix**<br/>
Fixes the lint