# 🌳 radix3
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Lightweight and fast router for JavaScript based on [Radix Tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_tree).
## Usage
**Install package:**
# npm
npm i radix3
# yarn
yarn add radix3
# pnpm
pnpm i radix3
// ESM
import { createRouter } from "radix3";
// CJS
const { createRouter } = require("radix3");
**Create a router instance and insert routes:**
const router = createRouter(/* options */);
router.insert("/path", { payload: "this path" });
router.insert("/path/:name", { payload: "named route" });
router.insert("/path/foo/**", { payload: "wildcard route" });
router.insert("/path/foo/**:name", { payload: "named wildcard route" });
**Match route to access matched data:**
// { payload: 'this path' }
// { payload: 'named route', params: { name: 'fooval' } }
// { payload: 'wildcard route' }
// null (no route matched for/)
## Methods
### `router.insert(path, data)`
`path` can be static or using `:placeholder` or `**` for wildcard paths.
The `data` object will be returned on matching params. It should be an object like `{ handler }` and not containing reserved keyword `params`.
### `router.lookup(path)`
Returns matched data for `path` with optional `params` key if mached route using placeholders.
### `router.remove(path)`
Remove route matching `path`.
## Options
You can initialize router instance with options:
const router = createRouter({
strictTrailingSlash: true,
routes: {
"/foo": {},
- `routes`: An object specifying initial routes to add
- `strictTrailingSlash`: By default router ignored trailing slash for matching and adding routes. When set to `true`, matching with trailing slash is different.
### Route Matcher
Creates a multi matcher from router tree that can match **all routes** matching path:
import { createRouter, toRouteMatcher } from "radix3";
const router = createRouter({
routes: {
"/foo": { m: "foo" }, // Matches /foo only
"/foo/**": { m: "foo/**" }, // Matches /foo/<any>
"/foo/bar": { m: "foo/bar" }, // Matches /foo/bar only
"/foo/bar/baz": { m: "foo/bar/baz" }, // Matches /foo/bar/baz only
"/foo/*/baz": { m: "foo/*/baz" }, // Matches /foo/<any>/baz
const matcher = toRouteMatcher(router);
const matches = matcher.matchAll("/foo/bar/baz");
// [
// {
// "m": "foo/**",
// },
// {
// "m": "foo/*/baz",
// },
// {
// "m": "foo/bar/baz",
// },
// ]
### Route Matcher Export
It is also possible to export and then rehydrate a matcher from pre-compiled rules.
import { exportMatcher, createMatcherFromExport } from "radix3";
// Assuming you already have a matcher
// you can export this to a JSON-type object
const json = exportMatcher(matcher);
// and then rehydrate this later
const newMatcher = createMatcherFromExport(json);
const matches = newMatcher.matchAll("/foo/bar/baz");
## Performance
See [benchmark](./benchmark).
## License
Based on original work of [`charlieduong94/radix-router`](https://github.com/charlieduong94/radix-router)
by [Charlie Duong](https://github.com/charlieduong94) (MIT)
[MIT](./LICENSE) - Made with ❤️
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