1 00:00:02,034 --> 00:00:04,600 How my time looks like, 2 00:00:04,734 --> 00:00:07,801 it's also it can be also so so different. 3 00:00:07,934 --> 00:00:09,767 I one time wrote a poem 4 00:00:09,900 --> 00:00:11,000 where I described like 5 00:00:11,134 --> 00:00:12,567 when I wasn't feeling well 6 00:00:13,701 --> 00:00:14,534 how sometimes 7 00:00:14,667 --> 00:00:16,134 the way from the bed 8 00:00:16,267 --> 00:00:17,167 to the kitchen seems like it 9 00:00:17,300 --> 00:00:18,700 might take 5 hours, 10 00:00:18,834 --> 00:00:21,467 and the way to the bathroom 3, 11 00:00:21,600 --> 00:00:25,134 and the way to the balcony only one and a half. 12 00:00:27,267 --> 00:00:31,067 Um, and um, sometimes, 13 00:00:31,201 --> 00:00:32,501 when I'm not well then 14 00:00:32,634 --> 00:00:35,267 I'm like in my room 15 00:00:35,400 --> 00:00:36,934 and looking into the corners 16 00:00:37,067 --> 00:00:38,534 of my room and kind of 17 00:00:38,667 --> 00:00:39,700 get stuck in there - 18 00:00:41,834 --> 00:00:45,100 and there is no time when this happens. 19 00:00:45,567 --> 00:00:49,434 Sometimes I feel like time is very spacious, 20 00:00:49,567 --> 00:00:55,667 it's also very porous, and sometimes it's 21 00:00:55,801 --> 00:00:58,634 very dangerous because it can have holes, 22 00:00:58,767 --> 00:01:02,967 like triggers, where you fall through... 23 00:01:03,101 --> 00:01:05,067 and then you end up in a sea... 24 00:01:05,201 --> 00:01:06,967 of like 25 00:01:09,467 --> 00:01:11,034 of sound. 26 00:01:12,167 --> 00:01:15,334 That is also connected to time for me. 27 00:01:16,800 --> 00:01:19,734 And then it's really difficult to get back, 28 00:01:20,600 --> 00:01:23,867 but what works best is to use the senses. 29 00:01:27,567 --> 00:01:31,234 Sometimes time is also a negotiation 30 00:01:31,367 --> 00:01:34,400 when it's experienced in a collective. 31 00:01:34,534 --> 00:01:36,234 It can bring up conflict. 32 00:01:37,934 --> 00:01:40,067 It can also bring up a 33 00:01:40,200 --> 00:01:41,700 feeling of interdependence, 34 00:01:41,834 --> 00:01:43,001 of being connected, 35 00:01:43,134 --> 00:01:46,334 because you experience being in the same time, 36 00:01:46,467 --> 00:01:48,934 being in the same spacetime 37 00:01:49,067 --> 00:01:51,067 (sound of the wind blowing). 38 00:01:52,234 --> 00:01:54,401 Also time is circular because 39 00:01:54,534 --> 00:01:56,501 things are reoccurring, 40 00:01:56,634 --> 00:01:58,667 it's never just going somewhere 41 00:01:58,801 --> 00:02:00,334 and then ending there. 42 00:02:00,467 --> 00:02:01,934 I've never experienced time 43 00:02:01,967 --> 00:02:03,334 in a linear way and 44 00:02:03,467 --> 00:02:05,034 I've always been obsessed with 45 00:02:05,167 --> 00:02:07,167 thinking about time, 46 00:02:07,301 --> 00:02:10,067 also about time travel for example, 47 00:02:10,101 --> 00:02:11,734 like going back into the past, 48 00:02:11,800 --> 00:02:12,634 and healing your past, 49 00:02:12,767 --> 00:02:15,200 and changing the future, 50 00:02:15,334 --> 00:02:16,867 and all of this is connected 51 00:02:17,000 --> 00:02:21,000 and all of this is kind of... spacetime.