If you or the company you represent has entered into a written agreement referencing the Enterprise Edition of the Strapi source code available at https://github.com/strapi/strapi, then such agreement applies to your use of the Enterprise Edition of the Strapi Software. If you or the company you represent is using the Enterprise Edition of the Strapi Software in connection with a subscription to our cloud offering, then the agreement you have agreed to with respect to our cloud offering and the licenses included in such agreement apply to your use of the Enterprise Edition of the Strapi Software. Otherwise, the Strapi Enterprise Software License Agreement (found here https://strapi.io/enterprise-terms) applies to your use of the Enterprise Edition of the Strapi Software. BY ACCESSING OR USING THE ENTERPRISE EDITION OF THE STRAPI SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE RELEVANT REFERENCED AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT THESE TERMS ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY YOU REPRESENT OR IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE RELEVANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED AND YOU HAVE NOT OTHERWISE EXECUTED A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH STRAPI, YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO ACCESS OR USE OR ALLOW ANY USER TO ACCESS OR USE ANY PART OF THE ENTERPRISE EDITION OF THE STRAPI SOFTWARE. YOUR ACCESS RIGHTS ARE CONDITIONAL ON YOUR CONSENT TO THE RELEVANT REFERENCED TERMS TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL OTHER TERMS; IF THE RELEVANT REFERENCED TERMS ARE CONSIDERED AN OFFER BY YOU, ACCEPTANCE IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE RELEVANT REFERENCED TERMS.