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<h1 align="center"><pre>@mux/mux-node</pre></h1>

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  <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mux/mux-node">NPM</a> |
  <a href="https://muxinc.github.io/mux-node-sdk">Package Docs</a> |
  <a href="https://docs.mux.com">Mux Docs</a> |
  <a href="https://docs.mux.com/api-reference">Mux API Reference </a>

Official Mux API wrapper for Node projects, supporting both Mux Data and Mux Video.

[Mux Video](https://mux.com/video) is an API-first platform, powered by data and designed by video experts to make beautiful video possible for every development team.

[Mux Data](https://mux.com/data) is a platform for monitoring your video streaming performance with just a few lines of code. Get in-depth quality of service analytics on web, mobile, and OTT devices.

This library is intended to provide Mux API convenience methods for applications written in server-side Javascript. **Please note** that this package uses Mux access tokens and secret keys and is intended to be used in server-side code only.

Not familiar with Mux? Check out https://mux.com/ for more information.

## Documentation

See the [Mux-Node docs](https://muxinc.github.io/mux-node-sdk)

## Installation

npm install @mux/mux-node --save


yarn add @mux/mux-node

## Usage

**Please note:** The instructions below are for _CommonJS_ modules and the use thereof (`require` in vanilla NodeJS). This library also exports an _experimental_ ESModule and all you should need to do is `import Mux from '@mux/mux-node'` in place of `require('@mux/mux-node')` below. If you run into any problems, please file an issue!

To start, you will need a Mux access token and secret for your Mux environment. For more information on where to get
an access token, visit the Mux Getting Started guide https://docs.mux.com/docs

Require the `@mux/mux-node` npm module and create a Mux instance. Your Mux instance will have `Data` and `Video` properties
that will allow you to access the Mux Data and Video APIs.

const Mux = require('@mux/mux-node');

// make it possible to read credentials from .env files
const dotenv = require('dotenv');

const { Video, Data } = new Mux(accessToken, secret);

If a token ID and secret aren't included as parameters, the SDK will attempt to use the `MUX_TOKEN_ID` and `MUX_TOKEN_SECRET` environment variables.

// assume process.env.MUX_TOKEN_ID and process.env.MUX_TOKEN_SECRET contain your credentials
const muxClient = new Mux(); // Success!

As an example, you can create a Mux asset and playback ID by using the below functions on your Video instance.

// Create an asset
const asset = await Video.Assets.create({
  input: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/muxdemofiles/mux-video-intro.mp4',
  "playback_policy": [
    "public" // makes playback ID available on the asset

Or, if you don't have the files online already, you can ingest one via the direct uploads API.

const fs = require('fs')
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
let upload = await Video.Uploads.create({
  new_asset_settings: { playback_policy: 'public' },

// The URL you get back from the upload API is resumable, and the file can be uploaded using a `PUT` request (or a series of them).
const readStream = await fs.createReadStream('/path/to/your/file');
await fetch(upload.url, { method: 'PUT', body: readStream });

// The upload may not be updated immediately, but shortly after the upload is finished you'll get a `video.asset.created` event and the upload will now have a status of `asset_created` and a new `asset_id` key.
let updatedUpload = await Video.Uploads.get(upload.id);

// Or you could decide to go get additional information about that new asset you created.
let asset = await Video.Assets.get(updatedUpload['asset_id']);

You can access the Mux Data API in the same way by using your Data instance. For example, you can list all of the
values across every breakdown for the `aggregate_startup_time` metric by using the below function.

const breakdown = await Data.Metrics.breakdown('aggregate_startup_time', {
  group_by: 'browser',

## Usage Details

Every function will return a chainable [Promise](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise).

  input: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/muxdemofiles/mux-video-intro.mp4',
}).then((asset) => {
  /* Do things with the asset */

## Verifying Webhook Signatures

Verifying Webhook Signatures is _optional_. Learn more in our [Webhook Security Guide](https://docs.mux.com/docs/webhook-security)

  If the header is valid, this will return `true`
  If invalid, this will throw one of the following errors:
    * new Error('Unable to extract timestamp and signatures from header')
    * new Error('No signatures found with expected scheme');
    * new Error('No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload.')
    * new Error('Timestamp outside the tolerance zone')

  `rawBody` is the raw request body. It should be a string representation of a JSON object.
  `header` is the value in request.headers['mux-signature']
  `secret` is the signing secret for this configured webhook. You can find that in your webhooks dashboard
           (note that this secret is different than your API Secret Key)

Mux.Webhooks.verifyHeader(rawBody, header, secret);

Note that when passing in the payload (`rawBody`) you want to pass in the raw un-parsed request body, not the parsed JSON.
Here's an example if you are using express.

const Mux = require('@mux/mux-node');
const { Webhooks } = Mux;
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

 * You'll need to make sure this is externally accessible.  ngrok (https://ngrok.com/)
 * makes this really easy.

const webhookSecret = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET;
const app = express();

  bodyParser.raw({ type: 'application/json' }),
  async (req, res) => {
    try {
      const sig = req.headers['mux-signature'];
      // will raise an exception if the signature is invalid
      const isValidSignature = Webhooks.verifyHeader(
      console.log('Success:', isValidSignature);
      // convert the raw req.body to JSON, which is originally Buffer (raw)
      const jsonFormattedBody = JSON.parse(req.body);
      // await doSomething();
      res.json({ received: true });
    } catch (err) {
      // On error, return the error message
      return res.status(400).send(`Webhook Error: ${err.message}`);

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');

## JWT Helpers <small>([API Reference](https://muxinc.github.io/mux-node-sdk/class/src/utils/jwt.js~JWT.html))</small>

You can use any JWT-compatible library, but we've included some light helpers in the SDK to make it easier to get up and running.

// Assuming you have your signing key specified in your environment variables:
// Signing token ID: process.env.MUX_SIGNING_KEY
// Signing token secret: process.env.MUX_PRIVATE_KEY

// Most simple request, defaults to type video and is valid for 7 days.
const token = Mux.JWT.sign('some-playback-id');
// https://stream.mux.com/some-playback-id.m3u8?token=${token}

// If you wanted to sign a thumbnail
const thumbParams = { time: 14, width: 100 };
const thumbToken = Mux.JWT.sign('some-playback-id', {
  type: 'thumbnail',
  params: thumbParams,
// https://image.mux.com/some-playback-id/thumbnail.jpg?token=${token}

// If you wanted to sign a gif
const gifToken = Mux.JWT.sign('some-playback-id', { type: 'gif' });
// https://image.mux.com/some-playback-id/animated.gif?token=${token}

// And, an example for a storyboard
const storyboardToken = Mux.JWT.sign('some-playback-id', {
  type: 'storyboard',
// https://image.mux.com/some-playback-id/storyboard.jpg?token=${token}

## `request` and `response` events

The SDK returns the `data` key for every object, because in the Mux API that's always the thing you actually want to see. Sometimes, however, it's useful to see more details about the request being made or the full response object. You can listen for `request` and `response` events to get these raw objects.

muxClient.on('request', (req) => {
  // Request will contain everything being sent such as `headers, method, base url, etc

muxClient.on('response', (res) => {
  // Response will include everything returned from the API, such as status codes/text, headers, etc

See the [Mux-Node docs](https://muxinc.github.io/mux-node-sdk/identifiers.html) for a list of all available functions.

## Development

Run unit tests: `yarn test` or `yarn test:unit`

Run integration tests: `yarn test:int` - this will run integration tests with `nock` and `NOCK_BACK_MODE` set to `record`. This means that previously recorded API requests will be stubbed and any missing ones will be recorded.

You can also run integration tests with real requests by running `yarn test:int:wild`. Make sure you have `MUX_TOKEN_ID` and `MUX_TOKEN_SECRET` set as environment variables so your requests are authenticated. This is useful to run locally to verify that actual API requests work as expected. When running the whole suite locally you might run into Mux API rate limits so keep that in mind.

**Pro Tip** Use mocha `-g` option to run only a specific test or group of tests. For example: `yarn test -g 'creates a new Assets'`.

To generate the ESDocs, run:

yarn esdoc
open ./docs/index.html

## Contributing

Find a bug or want to add a useful feature? That'd be amazing! If you'd like to submit a [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests/) to the project with changes, please do something along these lines:

1. Fork the project wherever you'd like
2. Create a meaningful branch name that relates to your contribution. Consider including an issue number if available. `git co -b add-node-lts-support`
3. Make any changes you'd like in your forked branch.
4. Add any relevant tests for your changes
5. Open the pull request! :tada:

Running integration tests will require a Mux account with valid seed data for `/video` and `/data` endpoints. If you are contributing and you don't have this, please add unit test coverage and someone from the Mux will help get integration tests added if necessary.