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# Hookable

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Awaitable hooks system.

## Install

Using yarn:

yarn add hookable

Using npm:

npm install hookable

## Usage

**Method A: Create a hookable instance:**

import { createHooks } from 'hookable'

// Create a hookable instance
const hooks = createHooks()

// Hook on 'hello'
hooks.hook('hello', () => { console.log('Hello World' )})

// Call 'hello' hook

**Method B: Extend your base class from Hookable:**

import { Hookable } from 'hookable'

export default class FooLib extends Hookable {
  constructor() {
    // Call to parent to initialize
    // Initialize Hookable with custom logger
    // super(consola)

  async someFunction() {
    // Call and wait for `hook1` hooks (if any) sequential
    await this.callHook('hook1')

**Inside plugins, register for any hook:**

const lib = new FooLib()

// Register a handler for `hook2`
lib.hook('hook2', async () => { /* ... */ })

// Register multiply handlers at once
  hook1: async () => { /* ... */ },
  hook2: [ /* can be also an array */ ]

**Unregistering hooks:**

const lib = new FooLib()

const hook0 = async () => { /* ... */ }
const hook1 = async () => { /* ... */ }
const hook2 = async () => { /* ... */ }

// The hook() method returns an "unregister" function
const unregisterHook0 = lib.hook('hook0', hook0)
const unregisterHooks1and2 = lib.addHooks({ hook1, hook2 })

/* ... */


// or

lib.removeHooks({ hook0, hook1 })
lib.removeHook('hook2', hook2)

**Triggering a hook handler once:**

const lib = new FooLib()

const unregister = lib.hook('hook0', async () => {
  // Unregister as soon as the hook is executed

  /* ... */

## Hookable class

### `constructor()`

### `hook (name, fn)`

Register a handler for a specific hook. `fn` must be a function.

Returns an `unregister` function that, when called, will remove the registered handler.

### `hookOnce (name, fn)`

Similar to `hook` but unregisters hook once called.

Returns an `unregister` function that, when called, will remove the registered handler before first call.

### `addHooks(configHooks)`

Flatten and register hooks object.


  test: {
    before: () => {},
    after: () => {}


This registers `test:before` and `test:after` hooks at bulk.

Returns an `unregister` function that, when called, will remove all the registered handlers.

### `async callHook (name, ...args)`

Used by class itself to **sequentially** call handlers of a specific hook.

### `callHookWith (name, callerFn)`

If you need custom control over how hooks are called, you can provide a custom function that will receive an array of handlers of a specific hook.

`callerFn` if a callback function that accepts two arguments, `hooks` and `args`:
- `hooks`: Array of user hooks to be called
- `args`: Array of arguments that should be passed each time calling a hook

### `deprecateHook (old, name)`

Deprecate hook called `old` in favor of `name` hook.

### `deprecateHooks (deprecatedHooks)`

Deprecate all hooks from an object (keys are old and values or newer ones).

### `removeHook (name, fn)`

Remove a particular hook handler, if the `fn` handler is present.

### `removeHooks (configHooks)`

Remove multiple hook handlers.


const handler = async () => { /* ... */ }

hookable.hook('test:before', handler)
hookable.addHooks({ test: { after: handler } })

// ...

  test: {
    before: handler,
    after: handler

### `removeAllHooks`

Remove all hook handlers.

### `beforeEach (syncCallback)`

Registers a (sync) callback to be called before each hook is being called.

hookable.beforeEach((event) => { console.log(`${event.name} hook is being called with ${event.args}`)}`)
hookable.hook('test', () => { console.log('running test hook') })

// test hook is being called with []
// running test hook
await hookable.callHook('test')

### `afterEach (syncCallback)`

Registers a (sync) callback to be called after each hook is being called.

hookable.afterEach((event) => { console.log(`${event.name} hook called with ${event.args}`)}`)
hookable.hook('test', () => { console.log('running test hook') })

// running test hook
// test hook called with []
await hookable.callHook('test')

### `createDebugger`

Automatically logs each hook that is called and how long it takes to run.

const debug = hookable.createDebugger(hooks, { tag: 'something' })

hooks.callHook('some-hook', 'some-arg')
// [something] some-hook: 0.21ms


## Migration

### From `4.x` to `5.x`

- Type checking improved. You can use `Hookable<T>` or `createHooks<T>()` to provide types interface **([c2e1e22](https://github.com/unjs/hookable/commit/c2e1e223d16e7bf87117cd8d72ad3ba211a333d8))**
- We no longer provide an IE11 compatible umd build. Instead, you should use an ESM-aware bundler such as webpack or rollup to transpile if needed.
- Logger param is dropped. We use `console.warn` by default for deprecated hooks.
- Package now uses named exports. You should import `{ Hookable }` instead of  `Hookable` or use new `createHooks` util
- `mergeHooks` util is exported standalone. You should replace `Hookable.mergeHooks` and `this.mergeHooks` with new `{ mergeHooks }` export
- In versions < 5.0.0 when using `callHook` if an error happened by one of the hook callbacks, we was handling errors globally and call global `error` hook + `console.error` instead and resolve `callHook` promise!  This sometimes makes confusing behavior when we think code worked but it didn't. v5 introduced a breaking change that when a hook throws an error, `callHook` also rejects instead of a global `error` event. This means you should be careful to handle all errors when using `callHook` now.

## Credits

Extracted from [Nuxt](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js) hooks system originally introduced by [Sébastien Chopin](https://github.com/Atinux)

Thanks to [Joe Paice](https://github.com/RGBboy) for donating [hookable](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hookable) package name.

## License

MIT - Made with 💖

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[npm-downloads-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/hookable
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[codecov-href]: https://codecov.io/gh/unjs/h3
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[license-href]: https://github.com/unjs/hookable/blob/main/LICENSE