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[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription
[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -  
[   ]package.json2 years ago1.7K7375cab EXHIBTION: fix overflow ellipsis cutoff [كارل مبارك]
[   ]slugify.js39 years ago7.8K 
[TXT]slugify.d.ts39 years ago408  
[TXT]README.md39 years ago3.7Kf12eb36 documentaiton updates [كارل مبارك]
[   ]LICENSE39 years ago1.1K7375cab EXHIBTION: fix overflow ellipsis cutoff [كارل مبارك]


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var slugify = require('slugify')

slugify('some string') // some-string

// if you prefer something other than '-' as separator
slugify('some string', '_')  // some_string


slugify('some string', {
  replacement: '-',  // replace spaces with replacement character, defaults to `-`
  remove: undefined, // remove characters that match regex, defaults to `undefined`
  lower: false,      // convert to lower case, defaults to `false`
  strict: false,     // strip special characters except replacement, defaults to `false`
  locale: 'vi',       // language code of the locale to use
  trim: true         // trim leading and trailing replacement chars, defaults to `true`


For example, to remove *+~.()'"!:@ from the result slug, you can use slugify('..', {remove: /[*+~.()'"!:@]/g}).


The main charmap.json file contains all known characters and their transliteration. All new characters should be added there first. In case you stumble upon a character already set in charmap.json, but not transliterated correctly according to your language, then you have to add those characters in locales.json to override the already existing transliteration in charmap.json, but for your locale only.

You can get the correct language code of your language from here.


Out of the box slugify comes with support for a handful of Unicode symbols. For example the (radioactive) symbol is not defined in the charMap and therefore it will be stripped by default:

slugify('unicode ♥ is ☢') // unicode-love-is

However you can extend the supported symbols, or override the existing ones with your own:

slugify.extend({'☢': 'radioactive'})
slugify('unicode ♥ is ☢') // unicode-love-is-radioactive

Keep in mind that the extend method extends/overrides the default charMap for the entire process. In case you need a fresh instance of the slugify's charMap object you have to clean up the module cache first:

delete require.cache[require.resolve('slugify')]
var slugify = require('slugify')


  1. Add chars to charmap.json
  2. Run tests npm test
  3. The tests will build the charmap in index.js and will sort the charmap.json
  4. Commit all modified files

Originally this was a vanilla javascript port of node-slug.
Note that the original slug module has been ported to vanilla javascript too.

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